Tuesday, September 1, 2009


1. Was Matthew the first gospel written?
-No. Mark was.
2. What does "Gospel" mean?
-The good news in Jesus Christ.
3. What promise does Malachi close the OT with?
-"He will rise with healing in his wings."
4. What does Matthew declare as he opens up the NT?
- The Messiah has come at last.
5. What does Matthew convince readers of?
- that Jesus fulfills 57 promises in the OT
6. Who wrote Matthew? When was it written?
- Matthew. 60-65 AD

1.Why were genealogies so important to Jews?
- to confirm that Jesus met the ancestral requirements for the Messiah
2. Did Jesus meet the "ancestral requirements" for being the Messiah? How?
- Yes. He was a descendant from Abraham and related to King David.
3. Why is his family tree a bit odd?
- Women aren't notable ones.
4. How does Matthew target Jewish readers more than any other Gospel?
- He traces Jesus' family tree to Abraham, father of the Jews. He points out 57 prophecies that are fulfilled.

1. What does "Eastern lands" refer to?
- now Iraq and Iran
2. What did the wise men bring?
- gold, franincense, an myrrh
3. Who predicted that the Messiah would come from Bethlehem?
- Micah
4. What was Herod's "vicious" order?
- to kill all newborn males 2 and under
5. When do scholars think Jesus was born?
- 6 or 7 B.C.

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