Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Luke Book Assignment

1. He may have been Luke's patron who helped to finance the book's writing or a Roman acquaintance of Luke with a string interest in this "new" Christian religion.

2. Luke & Acts - 2 books

3. Luke

4. story of baby Jesus. parable of the good samaritan, the widow who donated her last mite, parable of the prodigal son, "Savior"

5. Luke 2:10-11 - I bring you good news that will bring you great joy to all people. The Savior - yes, the Messiah, the Lord- has been born today in Bethlehem.

6. Jesus has come to save everyone, not just the Jews.

7. around 60 B.C.

1. a Jewsish boy's coming of age ritual

2. for the Passover festival

3. in the Temple, listening to the Scriptures

4. "Didn't you know I would be in my Father's house." - Jesus

5. that he has a unique relationship to his spiritual Father - and a mission to fulfill

1. Luke 10:25 - Teacher, what should i do to inherit eternal life.

2. Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself - Jesus

3. only Jews, not sinners or foreigners

4. A Jew is robbed and beat. A despised samaritan helps him when several other Jews just passed him by.

5. good samaritan

6. because samaritan's don't revere Jerusalem as a worship center and the samaritans had their own Bible

7. the one who showed him mercy

8. Luke 10:36-37 - "Yes, now go and do the same, " Jesus replies.

1. Jesus was stripped and tied to a pole. Shards of metal and bone were laced into the leather whip used to beat him. 39 lashings. Pain and blood loss creates shock.

2. Jesus carries crossbeam to the execution site. Crossbeam is attached to vertical pole. Seat prolongs the torture, making it easier to breathe.

3. Iron nails pin wrist and feet to cross.

4. Position and weight of body forces victim to push up to exhale.

5. Soldier confirms death of Jesus by stabbing the heart. Water and blood pour out of Jesus' chest.

Laura: I already knew what was in the “Guide to Jesus’ Crucifixion”. What stuck out to me the most is the fact that the soldiers used a seat to prolong the experience of pain.

Emily: I already knew most of the stuff that they talked about. What stuck out most to me was that Jesus had to push up on the seat just to be able to breath. It caused him extreme pain just to breathe and He was on the cross for 6 hours!

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